mental health bloggers wanted

Here at Poem Stellium, we strongly support mental health awareness. Annually, we organize competitions to raise awareness and combat the stigma surrounding mental health. Through creative writing, we aim to give individuals a platform to express themselves and be recognized. Currently, we are seeking volunteers to contribute to our blog. Although we appreciate applications from all, we are particularly interested in male bloggers who can connect with our audience facing mental health issues.

If you are a writer seeking to connect with a wide audience interested in mental health, we invite you to consider contributing to our blog. We are seeking diverse mental health bloggers (volunteers) in the following areas:

  1. Employment and bipolar or depression
  2. Addiction
  3. Anxiety
  4. Coping with depression
  5. Bipolar from a young/adult’s perspective
  6. Parenting a child with a mental illness
  7. Mental health from a young adult’s perspective
  8. Borderline personality disorder
  9. LGBTQ+ and mental health
  10. Binge eating disorder
  11. Complex/Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  12. Verbal abuse in relationships
  13. Relationships and mental illness
  14. Recovery from mental illness
  15. Eating disorders
  16. Mental illness within the family
  17. Self-injury
  18. Mental health stigma

Requirements for Our Bloggers:

  1. We are seeking individuals with firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge in their field. This includes professionals in mental health and those who are passionate about mental health advocacy and positive change.
  2. Using your real name when posting on the blog; anonymity is not permitted.
    You must be 18 years or older.
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in writing compelling, original content is essential.
  4. Writing should adhere to British English standards.
  5. Ability to voice opinions on relevant subjects and share personal experiences is necessary.
  6. Bloggers are expected to publish a minimum of one blog post per month.
  7. Promotion of your blog through various platforms like your website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is required.
  8. A one-year commitment to blogging with us is mandatory.
  9. Reliability and self-motivation are key traits we are looking for in bloggers.

To express your interest, kindly reach out to us at and provide the following details:

  1. Your full name and email address
  2. The selected blog topic Your experience related to the chosen topic(s)
  3. An overview of yourself, your writing background, any blogging or website involvement, your motivation, and what value you can offer to our audience
  4. Your current blog or website link (if applicable)
  5. A 350-500 word writing sample on your chosen topic in a Word document attachment (this is essential for consideration)
  6. Links to your social media profiles

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